Student Spotlight: Cathy Fitzgerald

When did you start coming to Yen Yoga & Fitness?

I first visited Traverse City in April 2014 after meeting my now husband, Bill while traveling solo in Ecuador. From the moment I walked in I felt welcome and at home. It felt like a warm, fuzzy blanket wrapped around me as I melted into my yoga mat after sweating my way through Jenny Lintvedt’s class. Traverse City is now my permanent home and the community at Yen Yoga & Fitness is a huge part of that.

What was your reason for starting?

I started doing yoga with a Rodney Yee VHS tape back many years ago when VHS tapes were a thing. The A.M. yoga was my way of settling into the day after my children were off to school and before I headed to my dance studio to teach. Over the years I would occasionally attend a yoga class at a local studio and the feeling of peace to my mind and suppleness I felt in my body after yoga was amazing. I feel very blessed to continue this journey at Yen Yoga.

What has been your biggest accomplishment since becoming a member at Yen Yoga & Fitness?

Completing the 200-hour teacher training. I loved every minute of it and learned so much! It was life changing for both my home practice as well as sending me on a new path to share the benefits of yoga and mindfulness with children, teens and families.

What is your favorite class?

That’s a tough one – there are so many amazing teachers at Yen -I love them all! If I had to choose one favorite it would be either Inspire or Detox. 

Do you have any funny Yen moments you’d like to share, or any “meditations from the mat” moments?

There have been so many times when the words said during a class have totally hit home. Sometimes bringing me to tears, sometimes a smile to my face, and always helping me to quiet the chatter in my mind and come back to the present – calm and happy.

What advice or words of encouragement would you like to pass along to people who haven’t been to Yen Yoga & Fitness?

Sign up for the introductory offer and attend as many different classes as you can fit into the 30 days. Each class and each teacher have something unique to offer. By trying them all, you will find the ones that work best for you. And, even if it feels challenging and scary at first – keep going! Once you are able to settle into a class in your own way, you will enjoy incredible benefits to your mind, body & health!

 (photo by


Student Spotlight: Ashley Lewandowski


Yen Yoga & Fitness is Getting New Bikes!