Student Spotlight: Sarah Rigan

I began my journey with Yen Yoga back in November of 2014.  A free week trial turned into an introductory month package and I was hooked ever since.  I became a member that winter, which eventually led me to win a LIFETIME membership at Yen!

I grew up being active and involved in sports and exercise, but as I transitioned into the “real world” I lost sight of my personal health and well being as I focused my energy on my responsibilities as a new teacher.  In the summer of 2014, my life took a turn for the worst, as I experienced an unexpected tragedy within my immediate family.  I learned the hard way that what happens in life is out of our control, but the way that we deal with those circumstances doesn’t have to be.  After months of attempting to get back to a normal life, I still felt that something within me was missing.   I knew it was time to take control of my health and care for my body and mind.  That is when I found Yen.

My biggest accomplishment since becoming a member was completing the Inspired Life Challenge in its entirety.  I had already been attending classes on a regular basis and felt much stronger mentally and physically, so when the challenge was presented I was ready to take it on.  Sure the monthly incentives were wonderful and the grand prize unimaginable (I still cannot believe I now have a lifetime membership), but nothing beats the satisfaction you get from finishing something you thought you couldn’t do.

My favorite class is Arms, Abs and Assets.  Although I have grown so much in my yoga practice, I can’t get enough strength training.  It begins and ends with yoga inspired stretching and you will always leave AAA feeling stronger than when you arrived.

When you walk inside you will be welcomed by a friendly, staff and then taken care of by your amazing instructors.  I wish that everyone could experience the inspirational community that Yen has to offer.  Starting something new, especially related to fitness, is always a bit intimidating, but there is no better place than Yen to begin your journey.  It can change your life…who knows, maybe you’ll be the next winner of the lifetime membership.


The Investment


Student Spotlight: Amy Spegele