Student Spotlight: Joanna Costantino

When did you start coming to Yen Yoga & Fitness?

I started taking classes at Yen Yoga in 2012.  I was so excited to find a hot yoga class being offered and finally got brave enough to try it.  My first class was taught by Kate Evans and I appreciated  her instruction and how I felt during and after the class.  I really fell in love with the studio from the moment I walked in and still look forward to it each time I go in for a class.  The staff is always so welcoming, the shop is well curated, studios are spotless, and the instructors are top notch and dedicated to their practice.

~ What was your reason for starting? (Mind, Body, Health, etc)

I really wanted to incorporate another type of exercise into my daily routine which was heavy on the cardio and weights, but no opportunities for stretching or meditation.  I knew I needed to focus on strengthening, lengthening and balancing and thought yoga would be a great practice to try.  It was a challenging at first, but I found I enjoyed it and couldn't wait to get back to the studio for the next class.  At first I only attended the hot yoga classes because I knew what to expect and it was predictable, but as I gained more confidence and found enjoyment in the yoga practice I tried other classes.  In addition to all the yoga classes, Yen offers cardio HIIT, spinning, and strength classes that I have attended and with such a variety I really haven't taken any classes that I haven't loved.  

~ Have your reasons changed since the stay-at-home order was issued and how did virtual classes fit into that vision? 

Like everyone else the stay-at-home order impacted my day to day life dramatically, but I made the most of my time and found that virtual classes offered through Yen quickly became a highlight to my day.  I found the virtual practice actually gave me the opportunity to try new poses that I was too nervous to try in classes, I challenged myself more because I wasn't afraid of falling or embrassing myself. Not only have I been able to take classes from instructors that I was familiar with from previous live classes, but also it has been a terrific opportunity to take classes from instructors that are new to me as well.  What I have enjoyed most about the virtual experience is feeling part of a larger community of people who are all sharing in the same experience.  

~ How has your experience been coming back during the first phase of Yen's reopening?

At first I was a bit nervous to go back to the studio, but I knew they wouldn't have reopened without taking all the necessary precautions.  I decided to start with a hot yoga class and usually go twice a week in addition to a cardio yoga class.  I am so excited to be back at the studio with the teachers and staff.  They have thoughtfully set up the studios and implemented policies and procedures that make you feel safe.  It feels great to be part of the Yen community at the studio.

~ What advice or words of encouragement would you like to pass along to people who haven't been back to Yen, or who haven't tried virtual classes from home?

Honestly, I love both the virtual and live platforms and would encourage anyone who enjoys yoga, cardio or meditation to give them a try.  It is nice to be in person at the studio to take classes, but I have also enjoyed the opportunity to practice more at home and found the instructors in both environments give clear directions, provide positive encouragement and offer a safe space for people to connect over a shared interest.  Thank you Yen, you all ROCK!!!!  Keep up the terrific work!!


Student Spotlight: Marcia Moore


Student Spotlight: Ashley Lewandowski