Happy, baby.

Yen Yoga & Fitness is committed to developing each student’s practices and well-being through yoga, cycling, and…dating services?

All kidding aside, we are so excited for the Modrall-Lindstrom family! What’s the news? Here it is in their own words:

Happy New Year! Whenever we get to the winter holidays, we’re reminded of the special part that Yen Yoga plays in our lives. Here’s why: we met at Yen Yoga in late December, 2012. One hundred eight sun salutations, one very hot Inspire class, and a dinner with mutual Yen friends later, we had our first date on the second day of 2013. In the following cold and snowy weeks, we met for yoga classes and dinners. And then Matt started Yen’s teacher training and Emily moved to the Netherlands and we spent a year apart– in that year we got engaged (in Paris!) and decided that, more than anything else, we wanted to be in the same country, state and home. By the spring of 2014 we both lived in Interlochen and were on the teaching schedule at Yen, settling into togetherness and then marriage.

In 2013 we started teaching free classes on Christmas day at Yen in an effort to give something back to the place and community that mean so much to us as yogis and as a pair. This year, we traveled to India for Christmas and were delighted to see our merry tradition of generosity and festivity continue at Yen. As we round the bend from 2015 to 2016, we are also delighted to share the news that our family of two will become a family of three this year! Our happy baby (yoga joke) is due to arrive in June and will give us one more reason to be grateful for those winter days in 2012 when we met on our mats at Yen.

In this season of reflection and intention, of looking back and looking ahead, we are thrilled to share the news of our growing family with our Yen Yoga community. We are humbled, once again, by everything Yen Yoga means to us and by the friendships, peace and love we’ve found at Yen. Here’s to a happy new year to all!

- Emily Modrall & Matthew Lindstrom


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